At Kayser Short Sale Law Firm, we have experience in negotiating short sales with numerous lending institutions– we work with all lenders. If you are considering a short sale, please complete our Short Sale Worksheet now– earlier communications with the lender increase the likelihood of a successful negotiation.
Most states consider short sale negotiations a practice of law, including Missouri and Illinois. So this particular type of transaction requires an attorney with the patience and knowledge necessary to persevere in the continual, and often times frustrating, discussions with the lender. We work with you on your short sale listings using Kayser Short Sale Law Firm, giving you the tools to accelerate the short sale process as well as knowledge to motivate the parties to the transactions. Our information is based on the experience gained in successfully closing Thousands of short sale transactions thus rendering it efficient and reliable.
If you are interested in expediting the short sale process as well as preserving your full commissions, we suggest you contact us immediately so that we may arrange a FREE presentation for your company in your office.